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Sabado, Agosto 25, 2012


            “blag, blag, blag”. The steps are coming into my way. The tiny ray of light strips the shadow as it passes the hole. His laughter binds with the cold breeze of the night that hid me at the corner of my closet. I can smell the burning coals from hell once again. I want to scream, to cry but I can’t. I can’t...
            The fragrance of coconut oil welcomes me as I entered our Kubo. Inang greets me with her warm smile as she pats the sweetened rice in the plate. She harmoniously sprinkles the coconut residue at the top of it as I silently watch her. It is my birthday; every year she prepares for my birthday, even though we don’t have much to serve, as long as we are together. Our home will be filled again by tickling laughter and infinite joy every time Itang comically sings there theme song and he dances with us out of the beat. The melody of happiness echoed in our hearts. But sudden news breaks the rhythm of enthusiasm inside me and turns into terrifying noise, an unbearable noise. Itang accidentally slipped-off at the top of the coconut tree. He loosed his grip while reaching a bulk of coconut beside him. He just wanted to bring home a better meal for the day but the earth asks his breath for the payment.
            Our Kubo is not a Home anymore; it is just a shelter for Inang and me. I never saw her smiles once again. She just buries herself with solitude and sadness that remain with us. One night, a stranger knocks in our door. As we open our door to welcome him we also open our life for him. He is my new father; he is part of our new family. He brings back the smile into Inang’s face; he took all the responsibilities that a good head of a family must have. He rises before the dawn and aids us to the household chores. He became an epitome of an excellent father to me in front of everyone.
 He builds a new Home for the three of us and colors our life that faded when Itang died. But slowly he stains my haven into a dark space and wraths the four-corners of my asylum. He painted a nightmare inside me. Every night he steps into my room and drowns my body with his immensity. He tears my garments that guards me from bareness and abducts my innocence. His body collides into mine and dig wounds in my heart. His eyes linger my serenity and breaks my virginity. He punches my body every time I resist but my spirit is the one who feel the pain, infinite pain that scratches my character; the pain that stitches hell in my withered morality and battered femininity; the pain that not just happen once but plenty of times; the pain that no one can heal; The pain that Inang blindly defy and helplessly ceases.
“blag, blag, blag”, the shallow crisp of a heavy step; The sound of fear that covers my lips; The clamor of agony that suffocates my soul; the darkness of the night that deflates my hope. My voice can no longer reach the right pitch of life. My yell descends as time running away. He will kill me too… 

Martes, Marso 13, 2012

Muro Ami Review

“Muro-Ami Fishing, otherwise known as reef-hunting, is one of the cruelBSAest, most cataclysmic forms of illegal fishing that destroys the coral reefs and exploits children. This practice consequently destroys corals which take whole lifetimes to form and causes the deaths of some of these unfortunate children. For casualties ensuing from these practices (either a kid gets caught in the big net that they use, or the bomb explodes before the children assigned to handle the bomb could leave the area), bodies are left in the shoreline because they are too expensive to return to their homes.”
            The film depicts the story of a man who used children as his source of living through reef hunting. It reveals the real happening that been running in the darkest part of the sea in the Philippines. It reflects the Child exploitation and environmental degradation that continuously happening from the past and up to the present. Muro-ami is a very brave movie. It is about time that we make movies that will show us the real condition of our society, and Muro-ami came close to showing that. Yes, it just came close, because the truth is much more horrible than what you see in the film.
If I connect the character in real life, Fredo the character of Ceasar Montano was close enough to the reality. The movie is not only an attribute to the illegal trading in the Philippines yet in some ways it shows also the characteristic of a real Filipino, being family oriented. In the movie, Fredo buried himself from the painful memories that happened in his family. We Filipinos have this kind of defense mechanism of holding our pride every time we got hurt. We conquer it alone and use it as a boost to fight for living. As well as Fredo, we Filipino value a lot the pain that we can use to survive. Fredo chase the sea and revenge of what happen to his family. Filipino as culture, tends to blame and revenge to the one that we know cause of our pain. We value life.
 The movie also generates characters that picture the early manner on how to survive. It shows the real Philippines, far from the postcards, the real Philippines covered with fear of living. The children that play as early divers just reflect on how we Filipinos get through just to have a small value of money. It also shows the hopelessness of families in the native part of the country. The movie is not just a plain realization but also hits the political aspect of the country to make some move. Not just every elections and not being stereotype on the problems that hitting the whole country. It is not just showing the environmental degradation and child exploitation. It feed us to help each other and push poverty.The real meaning of the Muro Ami was beauty beneath sorrows.

Ibalon Parody

                 Once there was a peaceful land named Ibalon. Everybody is living peacefully and clean. When suddenly germs attack the whole nation one by one, they spread disease and bury the nation though insanity. The clean houses embrace by dust and there white shirts covered with dirt. The whole nation sobbed for the huge problem and for their hopelessness. They all shout there agony to the sky when suddenly the sky spit a little yellow being with cape.
The yellow being named Baltog, he is well geared with everything. Enough proof to gather the faith of nation. He promises to fight the germs that eating the nation. In his battle with the germs, the germs annoyed by his looks, they are in doubt on what he can make. Because they thought that he is just a sponge with goggles. By their amazement, Baltog dance in front of them that made them asleep. 

When they fall asleep, Baltog slowly shoots out different colors of bubbles that suffocate the hide out of the germs. The germs are frozen by the cold breeze that it spits and fragrant smell that it covers. Baltog, go home and shoot out the whole nation by his gear of bubbles and the nation return from it’s beautiful and clean surroundings.
Baltog marry a woman and live permanently in the land of Ibalon to assure there safetyness. Baltog Wife delivered a child named Handiong. Handiong like his father has a beautiful heart and sympathy with their nation men. Because Baltog is old, the leadership passed to Handiong who right away stand on his assigned task. 

To get the skin of the crocodile, sharks and snakes that living along the river bank of ibalon. They are the pest that scaring the people and push away the natural resources of the river. He broke up an idea to get their skin and use as a secondary source of living. They can manufacture bags and shoes by the use of the skin of those gigantic monsters. Baltog  Baltog succeed on his task and preserve the peacefulness of the Ibalon. Of course the Ibalon preserve its trading basket full and enough for the whole nation. But as time passing by, handiong got bored and weary by the all throughout Ibalon Matters that he needed always to handle or to resolve. When Baltog passed away Handiong found his girl in the burial. It is the Datu dilaw Daughter that living on the west side of ocean. Datu Dilaw doesn’t like Handiong for her daughter because he believes that Dilawata is woman for Allah. That’s why her virginity is destined for Allah on the salvation day. And of course Handiong is living to serve his townsmen. One midnight, Dilawata and Handiong decided to runaway and leave everything in their towns. They will travel to the northern part of the country so that Datu Dilaw won’t find them as well as the Ibalon people. 
The townsmen live in fear once again. They been attacked again by different monster that stealing their harvest, eating there livestock and demolishing their houses
They kneel once again to the sky they carry everything they have as offering to their God. They grieve for Handiong lost, and ask again for a hero to save them. The sky turns black and made some whirlpool of clouds and in one thunder a new yellow being is spit by the sky. It is Bantong, a cute yellow being who will save the Ibalon. At the moment, blue bread is going to attack the whole nation and Bantong save the Ibalon from its mold.

 Bantong uses a huge Banga to prison Rabut. The nationmen hide in their homes and showed up in the next morning when everything was stable. At their amazement, a huge jar leaks a blue water that smells beer. Bantong carry his cup and fill it with the blue water and drink. And declare that it’s delicious and everybody follows him. They gather all their harvest and make a piging for the return of peacefulness of Ibalon. The piging is made every year. Not only for peace of Ibalon but also in the new discovered beer that can use  in trading of Ibalon.


                   When the goddess of the eastern sky Alunsina (also known as LaunSina, The Unmarried One´) reached maidenhood, the king of the gods, Kaptan, decreed that she should marry. All theunmarried gods of the different domains of the universe tried to win her hand to no avail. Shechose to marry a mortal, Datu Paubari, the mighty ruler of Halawod.Her decision angered her other suitors. They plotted to bring harm to the newlyweds. A meetingof the council of gods was called by Maklium-sa-tiwan, god of the plains, where a decision bythose present was made to destroy Halawod by flood.Alunsina and Paubari escaped harm through the assistance of SuklangMalayon, the goddess and guardian of happy homes and sister of Alunsina, who learned of the evil plot and warned the two so they were able to seek refuge on higher ground.After the flood waters subsided, Paubari and Alunsina returned to the plains secretly. Theysettled near the mouth of the Halawodriver.Several months later Alunsina became pregnant and told Paubari to prepare the siklot, thingsnecessary for childbirth. She delivered a set of triplets and summoned the high priest Bungot-Banwa to perform the rites of the gods of Mount Madya-as (the mountain abode of the gods) toensure the good health of the children. The high priest promptly made an altar and burned somealanghiran fronds and a pinch of kamangyan. When the ceremony was over he opened thewindows of the north side of the room and a cold northerly wind came in and suddenly the three infants were transformed into Viagra strong, handsome young men.
Labaw Dongon the eldest of them three.
Labaw Dongon: inay! I want to ask for magic cape, hat, and belt and kampilan as I heard a beautiful maiden is living in Handug. I want to make this journey to find the right woman that I’m going to marry.
Alunsina: may kaptan will guide you son!
            The journey took several days. As Labaw Dongon reach the Handug.
Labaw Dongon: a pleasant morning kamahalan! I am Labaw Dongon son of captain Paubari and Goddess Alunsina. I am here to ask for your daughter’s hand.
Datu: Labaw Dongon! You brave child! I want you to prove your prowess by killing the monster that rotten the whole nation.
Labaw Dongon: challenge accepted kamahalan.
            A few days later…
Labaw Dongon: Kamahalan, I killed the monster as a proved I brought here his tail.
Datu: Mabuhay ka Labaw Dongon! You son of the west, can marry my daughter. Now, we can live peacefully and may kaptan guide you both.
           LabawDonggon and his bride continued on their journey home. The moment they arrived homeLabawDonggon told his mother to take care of his wife because he is taking another quest, this time he was going to TarambangBurok.
SikayPadalogdog: you little boy! You can’t pass this bridge.
Labaw Dongon: Giant! I don’t have time to play with you. Let me pass on this bridge.
SikayPadalogdog: hahahaha! You can’t, over my dead body.
Labaw Dongon: Challenge accepted!
             Labaw Dongon succeeded again and passed the bridge going to Tarambang Burok.
                  LabawDonggon won the hand of AbyangDurunuun and also took her home. Before long he wenton another journey, this time it is to Gadlum to ask for the hand of Malitong Yawa SinagmalingDiwata who is the young bride of Saragnayan, the lord of darkness.This trip required him to use his bidayngainagta (black boat) on which he sailed across the seasfor many months, went across the region of the clouds, and passed the land of stones until finally he reached the shores of Tulogmatian which was the seaside fortress of Saragnayan.
Saragnayan: who are you!?
Labaw Dongon: I am LabawDonggon, son of Datu Paubari and goddess Alunsina of Halawod. I came for the beautiful Malitong Yawa Sinagmaling Diwata.
Saragnayan: are you poking fun with me? You’re just throwing your life in danger.
Labaw Dongon: no, as I know my strength just enough to win her hand.
Saragnayan: you! Impolite being, brace yourself to fight with me, and I assure you that miseries comes with you.
Labaw Dongon: Challenge accepted.Because of the power of Saragnayan, Labaw Dongon surrenders.
Saragnayan: you fought well being, yet, you gather your boastfulness as foundation of your failure. I will bury you in prison to the deepest part of my palace.
Labaw Dongon: no!!!!!!!
Back home AngoyGinbitinan and AbyangDurunuun both delivered sons. AngoyGinbitinan’s child was named AsoMangga and AbyangDurunuun’s son was called AbyangBaranugon. Only a few days after they were born, AsoMangga and AbyangBaranugon embarked to look for their father. They rode their sailboats through the region of eternal darkness, passed the region of the clouds and the land of stones, finally reaching Saragnayan’s home.
Saragnayan: so you both are son of Labaw Dongon? And you want me to free your father. You don’t even cut your umbilical cord and you’re asking me to free your father. Are you both insane? Your father didn’t even use a single drop of my sweat and---
AbyangBaranugon: saragnayan, I want you to fight me in a duel and if I win let my father be free.
Saragnayan: and if you lose?
AbyangBaranugon: I will surrender and let me be imprisoning with my father.
Saragnayan: why not show me instead?
            They started to fight and AbyangBaranugon won.
AbyangBaranugon: Father! It’s nice to meet you. I really miss a father for my whole life.
Asomangga: yes father our mother \are worried with you a lot.
Labaw Dongon: I know son, thanks a lot for not letting me to be imprisoned for my whole life.
saragnayan, embrace your boastfulness as foundation of your failure.
Saragnayan: no!!!!!!
            On the other side, Humadapnon the brother of Labaw Dongon bears a revenge for his brother to the god of darkness. He made a journey all through out to Saragnayan. He passed different trials and he won all of it even the covered up of Piganun.
            They continued with their trek and everywhere they went they exacted revenge on all of Saragnayan¶s people and relatives. One day they reached a place called PinilingTubig who wasruled by Datu UmbawPinaumbaw. There was a big gathering in the village and when they askedwhat was going on they were told that the datu was giving his daughter for marriage to whoever could remove the huge boulder that rolled from a mountain into the center of the village. Manymen tried their luck but no one so far was able to even move the stone.Humadapnon took off his magic cape and used it to lift the stone and threw it back into themountain. The datu kept his word and Humadapnon married his daughter. During the wedding feast Humadapnon heared about the beauty of the goddess of greed BurigadangPadaSinaklangBulawan from a guest minstrel who sang at the celebration. After the wedding Humadapnon went to seek the hand of the goddess in marriage; along the way he encountered BuyongMakabagting,
Humadapnon: a pleasant evening brother.
BuyongMakabagting: a pleasant evening. I am BuyongMakabagting, son of the mighty Datu Balahidyong of Paling Bukid. I will fight for my maiden and ask her to marry me. BurigadangPadaSinaklangBulawan my love I will pass everything just for you.
Humdapnon: BurigadangPadaSinaklangBulawan?? I am going to ask her to marry me.
BuyongMakabagting: I will go to marry her. I’m the first one!  Let’s take it in a battle who will win will b the one who can proceed to marry her.
Humadapnon: Challenge accepted!
            They fought and BuyongMakabagting was nomatch to Humadapnon¶s strength and skill. The fight ended when BuyongMakabagtingsurrendered and even promised to aid Humadapnon in his quest. Humadapnon married the goddess and brought her home.
            Meanwhile, right after Humadapnon left to seek Saragnayan¶s followers and relatives his brother Dumalapdap left for Burutlakan-ka-adlaw where the maiden Lubay-LubyokHanginunsiMahuyokhuyokon lived. For the trip he brought along Dumasig, the most powerful wrestler in Madya-as.Several months later they came to a place called Tarambuan-ka-banwa where they encounteredthe two-headed monster Balanakon who guarded a narrow ridge leading to the place where themaiden lived.With the aid of Dumasig, Dumalapdap killed Balanakon. levitra buy. However, uponapproaching the gate of the palace where the maiden lived he was confronted by Uyutang, a bat-like monster with sharp poisonous claws. There ensued a bloody battle between the Dumalapdapand the monster. They fought for seven months and their skill and prowess seemed to be equal.But on the seventh month, Dumalapdap was able to grab on to Uyutang¶s ankle and broke it.Then he took his iwangdaniwan (magic dagger) and stabbed Uyutang under the armpit.Uyutang cried out so loud that the ridge where they were fighting broke into two and there wasan earthquake. Half of the ridge became the island of Buglas (Negros) and the other became theisland of Panay.Dumalapdap married Lubay-LubyokHanginunsiMahuyokhuyokan and then took her home. DatuPaubari was very happy when he was reunited with his three sons and he prepared a feast in their honor.After the celebration, the three brothers left for different parts of the world. LabawDonggon wentto the north, Humadapnon went south, Dumalapdap to the west and Datu Paubari remained in the east.